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W231: Building a Bridge to LivLab

The CEG team reached out to faculty and students to build the bridge between W231 and The Living Lab. Part of this bridge was adding transparency and awareness of Project-Based Learning at IUPUI, like the curriculum used in W231 and The LivLab, and exploring ways that students and faculty could advocate for engaged learning opportunities between courses.


This page of the CEG ePortfolio includes


Introduction PPT

Click on the PDF to view a

to the W231 and LivLab
Curricular Enhancement Grant

PPT Cover Shot CEG Bridge W231 LivLab.png

The presentation was designed to introduce Herron 340 Design students to W231.
SPRING 2022: Teams of Herron students working with Gurkan Mihci completed a PBL project on ways to better promote PBL at IUPUI -and- ways to better onboard W231 community clients.

PROMO to Encourage W231 Students to Enroll in The Living Lab 

Screenshot PROMO to Register for Liv Lab Genially.png
Promo for LivLab

Students in W231 pilot sections were invited to enroll in The Living Lab. The visual linked here was shared as part of the discussion about opportunities for students take their W231 project into LivLab to bring it to life.

A link to the promo was emailed to all W231 faculty to present to their classes.

Click on the image to see some of 
Doug's code for
the database and learn about early stages of the grant.

Screen Shot GENIALLY Update W231-LivLab Mid point.png
CEG Progress Report

Click on the PDF to see charts and commentary on the faculty survey.


Affirming PBL Curricular Parity Across All

W231 Sections to Support an Application for W231's Inclusion on The Record
One aspect of the CEG was to explore the possibility that W231 could be added to The Record. To verify that there was curricular consistency and alignment across W231 sections, faculty teaching W231 were surveyed. The survey results helped support Oesch-Minor's application to add the class to The Record. W231 was approved Spring 2022.


  • 320 Fall 2021 students who completed W231 with a C or higher were retroactively added to The Record.

  • 290 Spring 2022 students who completed W231 with a C or higher will be added to The Record.


Distributed to
W231 Professional

Writing Skills FACULTY
Faculty verified the Project-Based Learning

curriculum used across all W231 sections,

commented on assignment structures, and

shared activities that engage students.


Faculty Survey
Analysis Faculty Survey


Click on the PDF to review the report of what students liked and learned that will transfer into other environments.

Student Exit Inteviews
DID YOU LIKE HAVING an ePORTFOLIO option to share your assignments?

"I really like having the online option. It felt more clean and easy to access."

"A lot of things revolve around digital work so this was a good learning curve for people who aren't used to it."


"I thought it [the ePortfolio] was very relevant given the increasing reliance on technology to have this skill under my belt, even if it's just at a basic level."


W231 Student Survey Questions on the Connections Between PBL and Professional Writing/ Rhetorical Context
Click on the PDF to see survey questions and responses. These questions were added to the end of semester, campus circulated teacher evaluations. The intent was to hear from students on the relevance of PBL to supporting course content: learning professional writing strategies.
The course encouraged 
proficiency with digital platforms as part of professional writing acumen and included ePortfolio options. The final question asked if students liked having the option to turn in assignments through the ePortfolio AND, if they'd prefer, in print.

Student Survey IUPUI

Interviews with W231 Community Clients

       Mary Friend, Ronald McDonald House: Zoom/Friday, October 8
       Mike Williams, Salamat Cookies: Email and Zoom/
                 Presented with Oesch-Minor at the
                 2021 Assessment Institute, Pre-Conference Workshop


W21 Clients

W231 student-teams were invited to share their Recommendation Report projects in the Showcase. Ten teams representing approximately 48 students shared their work in the 2022 Showcase.

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