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The Living Lab

Dr. Connie Justice directs The Living Lab at IUPUI. The LivLab is housed in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology. 


[content copied/pasted from LivLab page]

The first Living Lab group started with 6 students and grew to 24 students in the spring of 2005. Currently an average of 15 students participates in the Living Lab each semester, and the Living Lab has expanded to include support for other departments at IUPUI. Today, students in the Living Lab support 2 CIT networking and security labs, 18 servers providing a variety of services.


Now, The One Stop Shop:

The Living Lab allows students to apply networking, security, database, website, and application development concepts and techniques learned from prior CIT courses to internal and/or external projects. The Living Lab emulates an industry IT department in which students work on one or more projects as part of an IT team. CIT 48500 can be taught with variable credit hours from 1-6.


Doug Greathouse, LivLab Intern, designed and built an extensive database to track W231 students, projects, and community clients. To read more, click on the PDF.

Table of Contents for the Greathouse Report

TO ACCESS A VISUAL OVERVIEW of the Project and Screenshots of Doug's work, visit the Presentation on Genially

Greathouse Database Relationship Chart.png
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